Vehicle 2 Control (V2C)

Chemical | Conceptual

This case study was a visionary work done in the early 1990s. It attempted to answer the question, “What will control rooms look like 20 years from now?” Many of the human factors elements BAW Architecture explored have now become standard in the industry.

How does an industry experience a paradigm shift? Time and effort must be put into creating a new vision, rather than simply reacting to client demand. This case study attempted to nail down ideas that had been batted around in the industry for years, but never actually implemented. In expressing these forward-thinking innovations, BAW succeeded in shifting the way people think about control buildings.

The result was a rendering that explored futuristic human factors elements such as exercise rooms to promote alertness, therapeutic lighting and ergonomic workstations that are now are incorporated in modern control rooms throughout the world.

The graphic rendering of this case study graced the cover of Hydrocarbon Processing magazine in 2000.

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