Decision Support Center

Oil & Gas | Texas, USA

In an office tower high above Houston, the BAW Architecture team created a state-of-the-art control room that provides real-time monitoring of dozens of oil platforms around the globe.

In the wake of the BP Deep Water Horizon oil spill, a major petrochemical company proactively set out to reinvent the real-time safety monitoring of its own offshore drilling rigs across the globe. BAW created a control room within the tenant’s finished space. State of the art technologies provide 24/7 support to complex well operations worldwide.

While the space is visually impressive, the focus is on process safety, collaboration, and real time monitoring. A real time operator, drill site manager, drilling engineers, and geologist make up a team that occupies a console group. Each team is responsible for a region, proactively involved in anticipating and defusing any upset. This control room conveys technological capability and process excellence, and showcases industry-leading best practices.

Accommodations for tours that allow visibility to the console groups without interruption with operations have been made. Observers are able to see where and how this company is monitoring global drilling activities via live feedback.

We respect the confidentiality of this client
11,120 sf / 1033 sm
Oil & Gas
Texas, USA
2015 | Built
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Everyone was very complimentary on how fast the team adjusted to the change in scope. That was due, in no small part, to you. Many thanks!

Project Manager

Safety in Design

Safety was the driving force behind this project—the goal is to avoid future catastrophes and demonstrate how oil drilling can be done safely when monitored around the clock from a centralized control room. The workers in the center work together to review drilling data and formulate proper responses to observed possible incidents. They collaborate with remote personnel on the drilling rigs to discuss their observations, and identify any potentially high-risk situations.


This Decision Support Center control room represents the next generation of global oil drilling safety practices. Contact us to learn more about what our team can do for you.


All photos: Nick Merrick at Hedrich Blessing © BAW Architecture. All rights reserved.

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